Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Biol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biol - Essay Example (Lipstadt 27) Lipstadt is a well-known researcher and historian with a Ph.D. and the professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University. (Alumni, Lipstadt Ph.D.) What Dawkins is discussing is the inevitable progression of people from belief to disbelief to outright lies in the attempt to ignore what we know is true. He later makes the statement that evolution is fact not a theory and that there is a difference between the fact that is evolution and the theory of its journey (Dawkins, Ph.D. FRS, FRSL) Clearly the purpose of this book is to first discredit attempts to disprove evolutionary theory while providing a basis for his approach. It is my opinion that he does a credible job in his approach In continued reading it becomes apparent to me that he has done his research and his proofs abound. His clear delineations between the â€Å"fact† as he calls it and the â€Å"theory† of what drives it tend to be very convincing.

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